I am sorry that it has been almost a month since my last post. We evacuated to SC from Gustav. While we were in SC we had to evacuate again because of Hannah. We stayed in AL for a few days before being able to get back into NOLA. The seminary was without power for many days after Gustav hit.
We made it back to NOLA on a Sunday afternoon. Page had all of a day to wash clothes and get repacked to return to active duty with his unit. They had been stationed down town to work on the levees, distribute water and food, maintain crowd control at many of the distribution sites, and work with the police to maintain order.
When we told Karis that Daddy was packing up to leave to go back to "duty", she decided she wanted to go with him. Here is a pic of what she decided she was going to do.
She decided that if Daddy has to go, she was going to go with him. She would stow away in his suite case and no one would know she was there.
Page has been released as of this weekend. He had one more "job" to do today, but he will be back at home for good starting Monday. We are very excited about Daddy being home. Please pray with us that the transition of his coming home would go smoothly. God has already been answering this request, but we can definitely use all the prayers we can get.
For those of you keeping up with Vintage (our church plant), let me update you. We had our Baptism and BBQ today. We baptized 7 people in a one of those 5 foot swimming pools. It was one of the most celebrative services I have seen. We had a service with worship and communion and then moved down stairs to an open parking lot behind our church. We baptized those 7 new believers and worshipped and praised the Lord over the miracles He has worked in the lives of these new believers. We had 109 people at worship today. We barely fit everyone in the room for worship. Many of us were standing in the back during the actual service.
This service today was the lead up service to our kick off or "launch" next week. Even though we have been meeting for almost a year, our church has not yet been established as a church. This launch will establish us as an "official" church in the Uptown community.
Prayer Requests:
1) We have nearly 14 new "Lifegroups" or small groups beginning this week on Wednesday night. These groups meet all over our city. Please pray for the facilitators of these groups. They need God's wisdom as they facilitate and lead these groups in discipleship and spiritual growth. These groups are where the growth and maturing of each member should happen.
2) Pray that these "Lifegroups" will become "communities" of believers.
3) Pray for Rob Wilton, Andrew Ogea, and Page as they pastor this group of believers God has placed in Uptown. Pray for wisdom, humility, and grace as God guides them in the way He wants us as His church body in Uptown to go.
4) Pray for the community of Uptown: a) that God would open their hearts to His Truth; b) that He would draw men, women, & children to Him; c) that He would do miracles that only He can do and that these miracles would be recognized by everyone as His Work; and d) that Satan would have not power in the Uptown area.
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