Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Help me Momma!"

Last night as I walked into the girls' room to get Thia for her 9 pm feeding I looked over at Karis' bed to check on her. It took me a second for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but as they did I realized that she was not in her bed. I quickly started scanning the room for her. I soon saw that she had fallen asleep in the bouncy seat. I went over to pick her up and when I did she seemed much heavier than I remembered her being. I looked down and realized that she had fastened the security straps around her legs. I was picking up both Karis and the chair was coming with her. She woke up enough about that time to say pitifully, "Help me, Momma!" 

By this time, I am trying really hard not to laugh because I was getting a full picture of what had happened. She has become very aware of being quiet when Thia is asleep. I can just see her getting out of bed and walking over to the chair (very quietly), sitting down and thinking that she would have herself a little rock before falling asleep, deciding that she would like to be buckled in, and then realizing she could not get herself out. She then realizes that she cannot yell down to Mom and Dad like she is used to doing because Thia is asleep and she doesn't want to wake her up. So, she she quietly rocks in her little bouncy seat/rocker until she falls asleep where I find her around 9 pm.

How funny is that?! Thought you all would enjoy the story!

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