Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baby Grace

Hi Friends-

Many of you have been praying for my friends Ginger and Adam Hayes ever since I posted the blog about their pregnancy. I wanted to give you an update today.

Ginger went in for a planned c-section this morning at 10am. She delivered Grace without any problems for her. Grace lived for about an hour in both of her parents' arms.

I spoke with Ginger last night and she said that she and her family had spent most of the night in prayer with friends and their pastor. She said they were at peace going into today's delivery. Gin wanted a longer time with her today, but I know she is very grateful for the time she was able to hold her precious gift.

The family has planned for the funeral to be either Saturday or Monday depending on when Ginger is released from the hospital.

Please keep this family in your prayers as they celebrate the life as well as grieve the loss of their daughter.


The Spears said...

We have been praying for them as well as our Sunday School class.

Jackson said...

Hey Ashley... Gotcha pics are just beautiful and my heart is aching for your sweet friends. Let them know prayers from Orlando are being prayed.

The Spears said...

I am pretty sure Karis has grown since NOVEMEBER! Time for an update.